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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Happy day :P

Last post of July :D Time flies... So What did I do today?
Morning, woke up at 10 sth, breakfast, studied Form 4 Add Maths weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :P for 2 or 3 hours. Then, had cardio at 4.00pm. Carey and I challenged each other, see who gave up first (those extremely exhausting moves for cardio) then who's pig! At first, we insist ourselves to do all those moves and we're quite persist. An hour later, we got so exhausted, our muscles too. Poor muscles lol they are aching :( Then, we GAVE UP lol. Cz it's too hard for us, as a beginner. We'll work harder next time :D

Afternoon, the Pos Laju suddenly "beep beep beep..."... MY SUPREE CLOTHES ARE FINALLY HERE!!!!!! Thanks to Peep Boutique for placing an order for me :P Ordered last week and received it today. Fast and effective. Check out their blog .

The TOP :D
(goes with shorts and skirt)
*oops too small
The TOP too :P
(shorts and skirt too)

Then, went for tuition at night till 9.45 pm. Having flu and sore throat after the food fair last Sunday :( Getting better now just that I'm still coughing :( Take care everyone :D
Outfit of the day :D
Casual enough to be cool?
Cool enough that looks casual?

Ignore my eye. It looks weird :(

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

我没有任何reaction on my blog, 并不代表我不在乎,我只是不想说。但,我真的受不了了!我,在这里慎重的告诉你,我,最讨厌被人家无视和敷衍!!!我相信大家都不想吧。很不幸运,这两样都常常发生在我身上。你说,气不气?! 我是被气死了啦!

“喂,Joyce 要回去了,几时有空?”
很小声的“哦... ”
某人,“哦.... "
P.S 你是觉得怎样?!不想回答先,那就说慢点再讲,不要敷衍我!看不起我是吗?!觉得,我没有比你其他的“好朋友们” 重要是吗?!

你 "噢" le 之后,我说了," 算了,你不用跟我讲话了!” 过后,你连一点reaction 也没有,继续跟别人有说有笑.........................................
你在你的blog上面写什么,我不理你,然后,你也不想再理我了,因为你已经习惯了。短短的几句,也许,你觉得没什么,但也许你不知道,THIS SERIOUSLY HURTS! 心里不是很爽。我觉得很惊讶也很disappointed。 因为,你写的一副好像我很犯贱那样!很错那样!你很对,你很高尚,你很好。一切都是我的错,因为我不理你。o.o

有时,我告诉我自己,算了,这,就是你,这,是你的本性,其实,你对朋友是好的。但是,你每次都把我激怒了。这,就是为什么我不理你。说什么我不理你,拜托你还不是!不要每次说到很像是我的错那样可以吗?!当只有我你和weiyee 时,很明显,被忽略的是我。你每次很爽跟她讲话时,我问你东西,你连理都不想理,要不然就是敷衍我一下就好了。不要以为只有你会觉得伤心,我也会!
P.S After I read your blog, I just felt like WTH, FML. Disappointed, hurt feelings, sad. Nothing more. Is that what you want? If yes, then fine, I ain't gonna read your blog again, I don't want that terrible feeling to appear in my entire life again. I just need to concentrate more on my studies! BYE!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Happy Sunday! :P

Hey hey 大家好... 好久没blog了:( 一方面是因为忙着看khuntoria(Victoria and Nickun's 我们结婚了). 太好看了!1000000000000000 个like! :P 另一方面是因为也没什么东西好blog的。

昨天,是我们卫理中学的Food Fair. 和朋友们开了个摊。卖nasi lemak, keropok, lemonade, nuggets, bread, pudding, pineapple 7up, maggi with telur and sushi. 卖得还好。当中,nasi lemak, keropok and nuggets 最卖的。大家都说nasi lemak 超好吃。当然啦, 我妈做的嘛!:P (kidding) 超光荣的:P

七早八早(4.00am)就醒了。冲了凉,准备下nasi lemak, 6.20 am 就到学校了。朋友们都还没到。我又不懂摊位在那里,就只好等。走了一圈想找摊位在哪里,找没有=.= 原因:太角落了。摊位尽然在别的摊位的后面(疯了)。 然后朋友们终于到了,手忙脚乱,毕竟是第一次嘛...... Extension wire 连了3 条,想要烘面包,好不容易有电了, 别人也来连,烘不到3分钟,没电,走过去,闻到烧焦味,我的extension wire, 结束了他的生命..... 可怜..... 别人还更厉害,从二楼连到一楼,给你个赞!然后,就拿个篮子到处走,叫人家买我们的东西。还给了老师算命呢!然后,朋友就来推销可以自己design 的cupcake. 懒得自己动手做,就动口咯,叫别人帮我的。
过后,别的摊都开始收拾了,东西还没卖完... 死... 水从RM 3 ---> RM 1---> FREE . LOL 疯了。最后,只剩lemonade, 只好倒掉。
回到家,累死了,肚子超饿的应为,从7.00-12.00 我只灌了三杯水:P回到家,1.00pm, 冲好凉,我尽然没睡觉,(疯了),玩电脑玩到10.00pm。晚上,脚酸到谁不着=.= 神经病对吧?! 害到我刚才下午睡过头,不能读书,只做了25分钟的功课。:( 明天再努力吧。

Friday, July 22, 2011


It's finally Friday! YAY!!! left one tuition later, then I'm FREE! :P (only for two days)
Feel eff-ing shit these days! Urghhhhh! Can't take it! :(

Many events going on in school these days... Fruit eating competition, space egg, carnival and Malam Kesenian. Duhhhh.... maciam maciam...... That's for tomorrow. Sunday, we got Food Fair. Opened a store :D There's 50 over stores. There's things to eat, things to play. :D EXCITED! Gonna shop for groceries tomorrow :D

Watching a korea reality show these days called Invincible Youth. It's extremely awesome and FUNNY! It's by Hara from Kara, Narsha from Brown Eyed Girls, Hyuna from 4 minute, Yuri and Sunny from SNSD, Seonhwa from Secret, Hyomin from T-ara and the other three MC. After Yuri, Sunny and Hyuna left, Victoria from f(x), Sori and Joo Yeon from After School joined them. Here's some pictures of them.

Here's some clips :D They show their most true and natural side :)

Stay tuned :P

Remember to click on my nuffnang adds down there! THANK Kiewwwww :P

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


最近在学校都忙着讨论 Food Fair 的东西。遇到了些困难,想卖些冰淇淋的东西。但,没有那个冰箱。有了,也不知道怎么搬。现在在问朋友,希望他能帮到我吧。

最近,在网上买衣服,刚transfer钱,不知道几时才会拿到衣服。真迫不及待 can't wait to! 等我收到了再post出来吧!:P

今天,不知道是哪根筋不对,饿死了!超级饿的。妈妈煮了nasi lemak。

Confessing, 我,吃了.......... 两盘 :P Hahahaha :D 现在,肚子饿了 :( 今晚,得self-control下了,不能吃太多饭 :(

超爱看警察类的戏,因为太屌了。当中,我最爱白薇秀和戚玉武。Best couples ever! Awesome drama with awesome gadgets too :D 只可惜,大结局了:(

Next, 我超想买的两架相机。
1. Fuji Instax Mini 25 Hello Kitty


2. Lumix GF 2
Seek Art in Everyday Life
I want the white or pink one!!! <3

This is crazy!!!!!!!!!! Haha :D
These are all temptation! :(

Blog again next time. Bye :)
Remember to visit my blog more often and and and click on my nuffnang adds pleaseeeeeeeeee, in order to let my dreams come true( those two cameras ) :D THANKS :D

Monday, July 18, 2011


Decided to blog in chinese again for today :P

嗨各位!今天,在学校,疯了!和朋友聊了很多很多关于K-Pop的东西。我只能说K-Pop的影响力实在有够力的!赞!:P 打华语实在是太慢了。算了,时间紧迫,我放弃。:P
K-pop day at school :P

Went home, nap, studied a bit then watched my SG drama. It's ep 19 and it's up to the TOP. So excited now, cnt wait for tomorrow. Will tell more about the drama next time :D

Then, prepared for tuition at 6.30 :P

After that, dinner. (Concentrate, LOOK, Stare! Seeeeeeee... Open your eyes BIG)

That's my dinner. :P
So little rice :(
Cz that's one of my diet plan.


8.30pm, when I was tuition-ing, mum texted me, hungry? Wanna eat sth? Ofcz I say no. Mum say she'll wait me at the kopitiam down my tuition there. Then they ordered NOODLES, wet one. It's MY LOVE K! Then, I ate it :( Gahhhh PHAILED :(((
Never mind, I still got tomorrow. LOL

Spot the black part on my nose. Gahhh pimples love me A LOT. Esp the area near my nose. SIEN. It's like continuously, the pimples kept popping out on my nose for three weeks. And it's the BIG BIG one. Extra painful. Cnt even press on my nose when I sneeze. Cnt even scratch my nose when it's itchy :( It's recovering now, THANK GOD *peace. Wanna find some better products. But it seems like it's hard to get it here in Sibu :( Gahhh...... MA FAN-nyaaaaaaaaaa~~

That's all nights :D

BTW, Click on my nuffnang adds. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.... THANKS :D

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday :P

Went out for breakfast this morning at HONG FU :D
It's located near Medan Mall there. Haven't been there for so long almost 2 years since the new buildings were built.

8.19am, mummy texted me. Wanna go out for breakfast? Am fetching your bro at 9.oo am. 8.30 am, alarm clock rang and when I saw the message, obviously it's a YES! Haha....
Outfit of the day :)
Top from SUPRE
Long necklace - SG

Had some DIM SUM there. Ermmm it was ok... not so bad and not so good. Still prefer the TAIWAN one near bus terminal there :)
No before, sorry for the after. Looks kinda terrible LOL

Watching Season 1 of 华人星光大道 now.

After the last season of 超级星光大道 the winner, 李佳薇, I'm looking forward for the next season. And now, here comes the first season of 华人星光大道. The judges went to L.A, Singapore, Malaysia and of course Taiwan to interview people who has awesome voices. 5 Malaysians from Astro 新秀大赛 went there too. They are...

Very excited. Waiting for the next episode. Many awesome voices in there. Looking forward to :D

Remember to click on my nuffnang adds. Click click click. Thank kiewww :)))

Saturday, July 16, 2011


It's Saturday. My Saturday is going to gone SOON and my Sunday is coming soon. Then Monday. Time flies. That's what I always say.
Joyce Lau is back to Melbourne! Awwwwwwwww :( Haiz, when can we meet again? Didn't do much things this time cz everyone's busy having tuition and school and she's the only one who's on holiday. Next time lar.... camwhore camwhore camwhore, overnight, gather.....

Next thing is, since last Sunday, everyone's busy checking the PLKN, National Service thingy. When I reached school, everyone's busy discussing and asking me did I got it or not. But I haven't check cz since that Sunday, the line was so laggy and cnt go in to that website. Tried for so many times and it PHAILED. Finally I can get into it on FRIDAY! And..... I DIDN'T GOT IT! :) Some of my friends were sad when they knew they'd got it. But, it's actually ok for me. Actually I do feel like going in, experience some cool stuffs like flying fox and etc. Experience something that you couldn't experience in your life except those boring talks :D And and and the most important is, you've got to meet many many friends from other places. It's awesome! You still can get some money during that 3 months. Then you can use those money to buy some goods. LOL I'm so money face. But thinking of staying in that sucky place for 3 months and cnt be with your family for 3 months, that's saddening :( Please don't mind. Don't be so sad about that lar. Just take it :D
* P.S don't come and hit me and scold me for saying this. I was just trying to comfort those who got it :D

Next Sunday is our school's Food Fair. Something really shit and unfair is, students who got open stall cnt get the money you earned. Not even 50%, 40% or even the modal. FML. UNFAIR RIGHT?! Hate!

Fashion is always my passion. Loved everything about fashion. Always wanted to do a fashion blog but due to some reasons ( don't have an awesome camera, don't have a photographer, and I'm still stuck in Sibu) :D I'll do it some day :D Wait for me :D *winks

Here's a skirt that I love.
Zara's Tulip skirt. It's gorgeous. It's nice going with a simple singlet or tanks or basic tees. LOVE!

Gahhhh!!!! My life's boring here! Wanna go somewhere.

Arhh, BYE :D

Monday, July 11, 2011

130711 is totally not my day :(

Yesterday, is not my day. Had an eff-ing shit day. I HATE SCHOOL D: Having chaos :( Arhh terrible. Terrible school year. Hope to go elsewhere meet new people, new friends, new environment and new school.

Okayy, back to Sunday. Went to church EARLY in the morning. The BB had their BB Sunday. One word, "stunning". Then, night time, went to Tanahmas to attend The Queen's Live Final.
Soo Wincci (蘇盈之), the 50th Ms. World Malaysia and Malaysia's AVON spokeperson. She's currently filming the first 3D movie in Malaysia 'THE HUNTER' and she had just released Chinese album entitled 盈。光
DJ 杨理强 (Li Qiang) of Ai FM. He's currently hosting and co-produced the popular 爱耍Young、爱FM我们的排行榜 at Ai FM (103.3fm in Sibu, Sarawak).
and the other 3 more judges. :D

Outfit of the day:)
Blouse from Bugis.
Singlet from Le Ann.
Skirt from Cotton on.
Bangles from Diva.
Bag from MNG.
Shoes from Crocs.
It's quite a nice place right?
Something awful that night. It's suppose to start at 6.30 pm but lots of the sponsors haven't arrive yet so they delay it till almost 7.30pm. At that time, I was super hungry. Unfortunately the dishes wasn't ready yet. So, we need to wait. The MC started. I was like damn. Why? Because the speaker was just right above our heads and it's super LOUD. Not the usual loud it's SUPER DUPER LOUD! Then, there comes the first contestant singing 开门见山. Imagine. I was like covering my ears and I can still hear it clearly. My poor almost thorn and it was damaged. That's the terrible part. Funny part was a man singing 情瘤感菌dressed like a doctor. He's super funny. And the other man wearing a 肚兜. Yerrr.. pretty shocking. LOL...

Back to my outfit, it was actually a mix and match. I love doing mix and match. Feel bored, wearing the same outfit every time. Same top match to the same bottom. BORING! So, I like to mix and match. :D Will share more about it when I discover another new mix and match :D
Thanks again for viewing my blog :D

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Exhausted D:

Hey peeps, a very sorry first to ya'all for not blogging these days cz I'm quite busy and nothing special to update with you guys. There's only school and tuitions.

Today, it's Sunday again. *hate cz tomorrow's Monday. Gonna go to school again :(
It's just a short update here :D I'm completely exhausted after going to Tanahmas just now and some of the chaos :( Gonna blog tomorrow about today if I have time :D

Song of the day: Bubble Pop by Hyuna :D
(I'm not a total K-pop freak BUT I love this!) Going to be a K-pop freak soon. Still in progress :D

Annyeongggg ~~

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Chan chan~~~~~ here's the picturessss :P

No more le. Actually, there's more but Joyce refuse to post it. Gonna get from her someday again :P

Yesterday, went for Michelle's farewell at Red Carrots. Before that, Carey and Joyce came to my house. Chat for like one and half hours. Then camwhored a bit. Photos,

Then, off we go to Red Carrots.

outside not enough, toilet :P

I got 斗鸡眼 0.O
CCTV up there :P
People, remember to queue up PLEASE! Dislike people who don't queue up every time!

Gahhhh... too fat :( On diet-ing these days... Didn't eat rice at night ate many vegies :D I'm so hungry :( It's so hard for me, 饭桶 not to eat rice :( Seriously, I love to eat rice and CHICKEN :D Tomorrow, Pizza!!!!!! Yummmyyyyyy. Pizza hut has their awesome promotion :D
